Our Mission is to ensure our residents enjoy living in a naturally scenic and private community with the services and amenities that exhibit the “Quality of a Past Time.”
As the Vintage Grace Community grows, we will continue to provide our residents with amenities and services* that meet their specific needs.

Four Beautiful Ponds
Scenic Areas for Walking and Four Beautiful Ponds provide residents a means of experiencing natural wildlife, fishing, strolling throughout the community, and visiting their neighbors.
The Community Center
The Vintage Grace Community Center is serving the community, hosting our special holiday events, pot-luck dinners and other events that require a larger area to accommodate a larger number of participants. It includes amenities such as:

The Patio Building
The Vintage Grace Patio Building is serving the community by hosting smaller daily and weekly events such as Concert Night, Movie Night, Card Games, Group Yoga Stretching, and Resident sponsored events like Birthday Parties, Wine Tasting, Corn Hole, and Ice Cream Social Events, just to name a few. It is also a great place where residents can exercise and use the existing exercise equipment.
Friends and Family Park Model Home
The Vintage Grace Friends and Family Park Home is the place that our residents' friends and family members stay when they plan to stay over-night while visiting.

Raised Bed Gardening Areas
Our Residents have raised bed gardens in sectional raised bed garden areas on their homesites or near their homesites. These areas can enable those who love to garden an opportunity to do so. Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Flowers, and Spices are just a few of the items that are grown here at Vintage Grace in our Residents Raised Beds.
The Dog Park
The Vintage Grace Dog Park is a new amenity that was requested by the Community. This area will allow our "fur babies" to run freely and play with other dogs in the community. Resident can socialize with others while their pets are enjoying the opportunity to play and run without being on a leash.

The Community Center Generator
A generator to power the Vintage Grace Community Center during electrical outages has been installed. This ensures that our community has access to a warm, safe and comfortable place during any type of storm.

Three Storm Shelters
We rarely have to use them...but it is nice to know that we all have a place to go if a storm warning recommends us to take cover. These shelters are very bright and clean inside ready to accommodate the entire community if necessary.

Trees and more trees ….
We continue to plant new trees which provide beautiful spring and fall foliage throughout the community … We love trees!